Today is my birthday! A fact I'd forgotten, until i got a txt telling me so. So thanks Julie! Love you too.
Anyway Rainbow was a great weekend. St Arnaud is a really cool little village much like Arthur's Pass, with a bit more of a warmer and dryer climate as I noticed a lot of silver beech on northern aspects.
The race on Saturday was a fun little event with about seventeen competitors. There was a downhill start for about 100m, and then a transition into uphill, then a climb for about 400m to a down hill transition leading into a bootpack - and then i got lost! Duncan was ahead of me then Gena and Grant and Jane was somewhere out in front too.I'm pretty bumbed that I posted a DNF. I need to get my vision issues sorted before I contemplate another race.That night Gillian's parents hosted us for a pot luck tea which was very nice. Gillian's dad Bob has had a lot to do with Rainbow ski field over the years and it is a lovely field (may do a review!).It was great to see a few folks from the race the previous year too.
Alexis and I went touring to Roberts Ridge on the Sunday which turned into a very memorable adventure, as we met a group of people from Vanuatu who were experiencing snow for the first time (and mountains I guess!) they were totally stoked and it sort of reminded us how great the alpine environment can be. We basically traversed the ridge of the old skifield, and then skied down to the old skifield huts where we met up with a group from Nelson Girls High. One of their guides recognised Alexis from previous adventures and allowed us to sit in the hut for a while to have some lunch. The hut is awesome! It contains a ski museum with gear going back 60 years.We descended the track to the sounds of traditional Vanuatuain songs!
Above are just a few photos from the day.
1 comment:
Your mission up Robert Ridge looked good.
We experienced 101 different types of crust to the North of Rainbow and then got some really nice turns back into the ski area.
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